WoS was established in 2006. The Company develops and organizes needs-driven training courses in the field of welding for companies and universities in close collaboration with industry and leading knowledge providers.

The WoS VET school is a leading technical education institution in Scandinavia, providing a wide range of educations in welding design, engineering and production. The specialities are training courses in design, production, inspection and quality management of welded structures at EQF 3-6 levels.

They are a certified training body approved by the International Institute of Welding, IIW, for the training program International Welded Structures Designer, IWSD, in Sweden since 2009.

WoS cooperates continuously with other companies and universities in Sweden and Norway to develop and deliver the State-of-the-Art courses to the Nordic market. They also work closely with
branch organizations such as The Swedish Welding Commission, The Swedish
Institute of Steel Construction and The Norwegian Welding Association.

The VET school has ongoing contact with more than 1000 companies in Scandinavia and have trained employees from more than 300 companies with an annual participation rate of over 100 engineers, designers, inspection personnel and welders.